Training - Breathing Air Management
Breathing Apparatus Cylinder Pre-Fill Inspection Course – EN 1920
In today’s busy world we often overlook that every day events can be challenging for those personnel that are asked to carry out tasks for which they are not well prepared or correctly trained and which can lead to mishaps and even injury. The use of high pressure breathing air compressors often at 300 bar and even in some cases 400 bar for filling breathing apparatus cylinders and allied escape sets must only be used by those who are trained in such tasks. It is often assumed that people involved in breathing air management and Fire fighting are competent and knowledgeable in the correct filling of such cylinders and yet our experience has shown that this is not the case.
In 2005 resulting from many discussions with our clients Industrial Pressure Testing Limited designed and launched a course to fulfil the needs of owners and operators of high pressure breathing air compressors who required competency and assurance in the use of such systems both here in Ireland and abroad. This has subsequently become known as the EN 1920 course!
We offer training in the use of all types of BA COMPRESSORS and the FILLING PRE-REQUISITES for the filling of BA cylinders and have to date run over 30 courses for Fire Brigades and Industry where there is a need to operate and fill cylinders. The feedback from Clients has been excellent and several repeat courses have been run since we began offering this training. Training is very much hands on with the use of a wide range of teaching aids with group discussions on how best to implement this knowledge and adapt it to their particular needs and requirements
For further details of this Training Module please see link below.